# What is residential IP proxy?

Do you not want to be blacklisted or blocked when using proxy search? Residential agents are the best choice today! Why? We have written in-depth guidelines for this!

Do you want to know about residential agents and residential IP addresses? Proxy can help hide IP addresses, which is not news, so proxies can perform activities such as network crawling and crawling, social automation, and SEO without being blocked.

However, websites are becoming increasingly intelligent in detecting and blocking proxies. This is because as the use of proxies increases, the abuse of proxies also increases, making them targets of website blacklists.

Despite the proliferation of website IP blacklists, certain IP addresses have not been scrutinized - these are residential IP addresses. These types of proxies are linked to home addresses, so they are trusted compared to virtual proxies or data center proxies. The proxy provider has targeted them and has used them for identity blocking.

Internet Protocol Address (IP Address) is a dot separated string of numbers used as a form of identification for computers on the Internet.

# What is residential IP proxy?

Residential IP is an IP owned by companies such as Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-verse, Cox, Comcast, Charter, or Time Warner, which can be used in real homes. The IP address is assigned to its subscribers by an Internet service provider (ISP). The IP addresses bound to the home address are called residential IP addresses.

This means that if you use a residential IP address to browse the Internet, you can provide your exact home address to the website you are visiting. Due to the precision of location, most websites trust residential IP addresses instead of carefully checking them like other forms of IP.

This is a transaction where the proxy provider seizes this opportunity to sell these IP addresses to people so they can browse the Internet using confirmed locations. Its working principle is very simple. If using a residential proxy, when making an HTTP request to the website, the request will be sent to the proxy server, which will then route your request to the website through someone else's residential address.

# What is a residential agent?

A residential agent is an intermediate server that uses the residential IP provided by an ISP to someone's device to browse the Internet. Because it uses the real IP address provided by the ISP, it is trusted.

The IP address used can come from a personal computer, router, printer, or any form of Internet enabled device, such as an Internet of Things (IoT) device. Due to their association with actual addresses, the cost of residential agents is high, often beyond the capabilities of testers, small automation experts, and spam masters.

# How does a rotating residential agent work?

The residential agent provider has an IP address pool. When you make a web request to a website through a residential proxy server, they will select any available IP address in their pool and then route the request to the website through them.

For rotary residential agents, they will change the IP address used for connection based on web requests or specified times.

• Conversation

When the IP is rotated by session or request, each web request you send will be routed through a different IP address. This is unique to web scraping, where you send a large number of requests every minute. With this rotation method, the website has no reason to doubt it.

• Time (sticky conversation)

However, in the case of rotating IPs over time, the IP addresses that you can access will change after a period of time. This is crucial for social media automation robots such as IG robots, FollowLiker, and sports shoe robots, as you need to use the same IP for longer session times.

Obviously, rotating residential agents are more reliable, because they use other people's Internet connections, and they have almost no problems.

Their Internet connection speed mainly depends on the connection speed of the residential IP used. In addition, when the device owner closes their internet connection, the connection can sometimes be lost.

# Why do residential IPs gain more trust compared to data center IPs?

Compared to data center IPs, web server security systems have higher trust in residential IPs because they link to home addresses and are providers of Internet services. This means that residential IP is regulated and no form of exemption is provided. It cannot be said that data center IPs can have many without any form of regulation.

Compared to setting up a residential IP, as a technically proficient person, setting up a data center IP can be done with minimal effort. The website recognizes this and uses it as a means of measuring trust, providing both residential and data center IPs. Some websites classify residential IPs as good IPs and data center IPs as bad IPs.

Is the residential agent managing work for Instagram?

Yes, residential agents can work perfectly with Instagram Management. In fact, they are recommended proxy types for Instagram management. However, if you choose Instagram's residential agent provider, please ensure that they provide static agents and city portals. You can rely on Bright Data to complete these tasks.

Do sports shoe sites use residential agents?

Yes, they do. Actually, they are the best. This is because limited edition sports shoe manufacturers such as Nike and Adidas have strict systems to detect proxy requests and block them. Due to the use of residential IP by residential agents, their requests are allowed to pass through.

# Have residential agents ever been blocked?

Yes, even if residential agency providers claim that their residential agents have never been blocked for marketing reasons, it is not entirely the case.

Whether the agents are residential or data center based, they will still be blocked by Amazon, Instagram, Nike, Facebook, and many other websites.

However, if it does occur, your request will be routed through another proxy, which may result in slower connection speed.

# What is a rotating agent? Is it the same as a residential agent?

Rotating agents and residential agents are different. The rotation proxy is not related to the proxy type, but is mainly used for IP rotation systems for web crawling. Although over 90% of residential agents are rotating agents, this is not the standard for this statement.

You can have rotating residential agents and some static agents. Just like in residential agents, you can also have rotating and static data center agents. In fact, Bright Data and Stormproxies offer rotating data center agents and rotating residential agents.

What is the purpose of rotating residential agents?

Rotating residential agents can be used for many activities. This includes activities such as web crawling, price comparison, account management, and market research.

They are very suitable for these types of activities because they involve sending a large number of web requests, and websites block a large number of IP requests.

Can individuals purchase static residential agents?

Yes, you can purchase a static residential agent. Residential proxy service providers can reserve residential IPs for customers who do not want to use them from the rotating pool.

You can purchase from those dedicated residential IPs, and Bright Data and YourPrivateProxy offer static residential agents.

# Conclusion

Indeed, residential proxy addresses are some of the best proxies that can hide your real IP address when conducting online marketing research and data collection work.

Due to their use of real IP addresses published by their ISPs to real devices, and their association with residential addresses, they have become the preferred tool for advertising agencies and advanced web scraping services.

However, because you use someone else's IP address without their permission, even if the true owner does not detect the use of their IP address in a place without their permission, you may still be engaging in illegal activities.