# About Account

# Q:If the Mbbrowser account stops renewing, will the environment created on my account still exist? How long can I keep it?

A:When the account package expires, we will keep the environmental data in your account for 30 days, and your paid data will still be there within 30 days.

# Q:Purchased before personal version, want to upgrade to personal unlimited version can upgrade? Is the data still there after the upgrade?

A:Currently, there is no upgrade between packages. If you buy a higher package, we can manually transfer your existing data to the latest package. You need to give me your account name after purchase, and we will transfer the data to you within 24 hours.

# Q:Can you log in to two different Mbbrowser accounts on the same computer?

A:Currently, two Mbbrowser accounts can be logged in to one device at the same time.

# Q:Can only wechat pay for package purchase? Can I use Alipay?

A:Wechat Pay and Alipay are currently supported.

# Q:What is the billing time for the Mbbrowser package? Is it a natural day or a natural moon?

A:From the opening time counts 24 hours as a day, according to the natural month charge.